Chapter 8 Self Quiz: The Nature of Farming

  1. These nestlings are
    1. Barn Swallows (correct)
    2. Killdeers (wrong)
    3. Fritillaries (wrong)
    4. Checkerspots (wrong)
    5. Froghoppers (wrong)
  2. The larvae of a fly such as Walnut Husk Fly are called
    1. grubs (wrong)
    2. caterpillars (wrong)
    3. tadpoles (wrong)
    4. nymphs (wrong)
    5. maggots (correct)
  3. Tachinid Fly larvae
    1. form galls (wrong)
    2. eat corn leaves (wrong)
    3. are called grubs (wrong)
    4. are parasites on the larvae of other insects (correct)
    5. all of the above (wrong)
  4. Which kind of weevil is a parasite of a Compass Plant?
    1. Pecan Weevil (wrong)
    2. Seeno Weevil (wrong)
    3. Acorn Weevil (wrong)
    4. Baptisia Weevil (wrong)
    5. Sunflower Headclipping Weevil (correct)
  5. The caterpillars of Fritillary butterflies feed on
    1. milkweed (wrong)
    2. asters (wrong)
    3. violets (correct)
    4. wheat (wrong)
    5. corn (wrong)
  6. This female Blue-fronted Dancer is a
    1. hoverfly (wrong)
    2. butterfly (wrong)
    3. damselfly (correct)
    4. dragonfly (wrong)
    5. bot fly (wrong)
  7. Which of the following is extinct?
    1. Red-legged Grasshopper (wrong)
    2. Mormon Cricket (wrong)
    3. Rocky Mountain Locust (correct)
    4. Snowy Tree Cricket (wrong)
    5. Greater Angle-wing Katydid (wrong)
  8. Crickets "sing" by a process called ________: rubbing the file on one wing against a scraper on the other wing.
    1. caroling (wrong)
    2. intonation (wrong)
    3. stridulation (correct)
    4. serenading (wrong)
    5. yodeling (wrong)
  9. This singing insect is:
    1. Red-legged Grasshopper (wrong)
    2. Mormon Cricket (wrong)
    3. Carolina Grasshopper (wrong)
    4. Snowy Tree Cricket (correct)
    5. Greater Angle-wing Katydid (wrong)