QH541.5.P7 A647 2001 | America's Prairie |
QH541.5.P7 S437 2009 | Seas of grass |
QL737.R68 V375 2003 | Varmints |
QH104.5.G73 B37 1992 | Battle for the Great Plains (VHS) |
QH105.I3 T457 1999 | This is Chicago Wilderness (videocassette)
SB113.7 .S8 1997 | Super seeds From beneath the ashes (VHS) |
CIRC QH87.7 .A647 2005 | America's lost landscape: the tallgrass prairie |
CIRC QK938.P7 M37 1994 | The marsh-pothole prairie community (VHS) |
CIRC QK938.P7 O35 1994 | Oak-savanna community (VHS) |
CIRC QK938.P7 D79 1994 | The dry prairie community (VHS) |
CIRC QK938.P7 W48 1994 | The wet prairie community (VHS) |
CIRC QH104 .L332 2001 | Last stand of the tallgrass prairie (VHS) |
CIRC S592.3 .P76 2002 | The properties of soil (VHS) |
CIRC QH84.8 .S655 2002 | Soil biology (VHS) |
CIRC QL561.D3 M6 1997 | The monarch: a butterfly beyond borders (VHS) |