Chapter 9 Self Quiz: Long-Range Forecast

  1. According to the species-area curve, a larger geographic area has ________ species than a smaller area.
    1. more (correct)
    2. less (wrong)
    3. same (wrong)
    4. unknown (wrong)
  2. Brown-headed Cowbird are ________-adapted species.
    1. hunting (wrong)
    2. edge (correct)
    3. fire (wrong)
    4. urban (wrong)
    5. house (wrong)
  3. A movement corridor
    1. is a path created by migratory animals (wrong)
    2. provides passage for ants in their nest (wrong)
    3. connects fragments of quality habitat (correct)
    4. protects prey animals from predators (wrong)
    5. serves a fragment large patches of habitat (wrong)
  4. Removing drainage tiles is often part of
    1. controlled burning (wrong)
    2. constructing dams (wrong)
    3. preparing prairie seeds (wrong)
    4. protecting endangered raptors (wrong)
    5. restoration of a wetland (correct)